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The XB112 breakout board for the XM112 module is designed to make the interfaces from the XM112 module accessible for evaluation and debug. It also enables flashing of the XM112 via USBUART or SW-DP. The XM112 is connected to the XB112 via a board-to-board connector on the top side of the PCB.
In addition to the board-to-board connector for the XM112, the XB112 comprises two USB connectors, two 2x5 pin headers and one not mounted 2x20 pin header. There are two buttons that are to be used when flashing via USB-UART. The buttons control the pins “ERASE” and “NRST” on the MCU on the XM112. A dual LDO, a switched power regulator and two FTDI chips that converts USB into UART and SPI are also available on the board.